Before you will place an order, you should answer a few question to make sure that you will buy the correct item for your car and that you need it in the first place.
On one car you will find it with no trouble at all, on others finding a seat occupancy sensor plug (seat mat plug) might be a challenge.
In regard to BMW and Mercedes, it is important to know to what market the car was dedicated - the EU or the US.
How to install an emulator in Fiat Stilo in 3 easy steps
General installation instruction of a seat occupancy sensor emulator and a seat belt emulator for Mercedes. Gradually there will be added selected models.
Check the models with 2-pin seat occupancy sensor plug installed.
How to check what kind of an emulator will work on my C-Class Mercedes W203
How to install a 2-pin seat occupancy sensor emulator and a seat belt emulator into a BMW in a few easy steps
Pictures and instructional video included!
How to install the seat occupancy sensor and the seat belt emulators on a BMW in a few easy steps
Pictures and instructional video included!
How to install emulator in Mazda in 3 easy steps